

Hey there, fellow pet lovers! It's Marcel here, your furry friend advocate, and I'm here to chat with you about something crucial: rabies vaccination Trust me, as a proud advocate of Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital, I'm all about keeping our pets safe and healthy. Alright, pals, that's a wrap! Remember, rabies vaccination is not just about our pets' health – it's about keeping our communities safe too. Let's stay on top of those vaccinations, keep our furry pals protected, and show some love to our friends at Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital. Until next time, stay safe and keep those tails wagging!

Hey there, fellow pet lovers! It’s Marcel here, your furry friend advocate, and I’m here to chat with you about something crucial: rabies vaccination for our beloved dogs and cats. Trust me, as a proud advocate of Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital, I’m all about keeping our pets safe and healthy.

Why Rabies Vaccination is Essential:

Let’s dive straight in, folks. Rabies is a deadly viral disease that poses a significant threat to us and our furry pals, dogs and cats. The key to protection? You guessed it – vaccination! It’s not just about keeping our pets safe; it’s also about protecting our communities from this contagious menace.

The Rabies Vaccine for Dogs:

Now, let’s talk dogs. The rabies vaccine is a must for our canine companions, and it’s an integral part of their core vaccination regimen. From the age of 12 weeks, our pups should start their vaccination journey, followed by booster shots annually or every three years, depending on local rules.

Rabies Vaccination for Cats:

And what about our feline friends? Cats might not get as much attention when it comes to rabies vaccination, but they’re just as susceptible. In areas where rabies is a concern (which is pretty much everywhere!), it’s crucial to get our kitties vaccinated. Similar to dogs, they’ll need initial shots around 12 weeks old and regular boosters to stay protected.

The Importance of Regular Vaccination:

Listen up, pals – consistency is key! Making sure our furry buddies stay up-to-date with their rabies vaccinations is essential. Skipping booster shots or delaying vaccinations can leave them vulnerable to the virus, and that’s something none of us want.

Vaccine Safety and Side Effects:

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: safety. Rabies vaccines for dogs and cats are generally safe, but they can occasionally cause mild side effects like lethargy or a bit of swelling at the injection site. Serious reactions are rare, but it’s always best to keep an eye out and let our friends at Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital know if anything seems off.

Rabies in California and State Laws:

Alright, folks, let’s talk about rabies in our golden state of California. Did you know that rabies is a real concern here? Yep, it’s true – cases of rabies have been reported in various wildlife species across California. That’s why it’s crucial to stay on top of rabies vaccinations for our pets.

In California, state laws mandate rabies vaccination for dogs. According to California Health and Safety Code Section 121690, all dogs over the age of four months must be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. Additionally, local ordinances may have specific requirements and regulations regarding rabies vaccination for pets.

Compliance with California Laws:

Folks, it’s important to follow California laws regarding rabies vaccination for our pets. Not only does it keep our furry friends safe and healthy, but it also ensures compliance with state regulations. Let’s do our part to protect our pets and our communities from the threat of rabies.


Alright, pals, that’s a wrap! Remember, rabies vaccination is not just about our pets’ health – it’s about keeping our communities safe too. Let’s stay on top of those vaccinations, keep our furry pals protected, and show some love to our friends at Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital. Until next time, stay safe and keep those tails wagging!

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